Garden Lessons: Plant Parts- Part 4: LEAVES! (3rd Grade)


Grade(s): 3rd

Lesson Objective(s): Students learn all about leaves and their function in the plant

Ohio Curriculum Standard: Individuals of the same kind differ in their traits and sometimes the differences give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing; Organisms have different structures and behaviors that serve different functions.

Supplies Needed

  • “Plant Parts” Workbooks

  • Plants coloring pages

  • scissors

  • glue

  • Pencils

  • plates

  • Cabbage/Kale leaves from the garden

  • Knife, cutting board

  • Instapot

  • Salt, pepper, olive oil

  • Rice (pre-made, salted)

  • Poster of Plant Parts (label as go along)

  • hand sanitizer

  • Harmonica

Introduction (5 mins):

  • Get out Plant Parts workbooks. Review: What plant part did we learn about last week? What does that plant part DO?

    • Using students’ explanation, write class description of “STEMS” on poster

  • the next part of the plant we’ll be learning about are LEAVES

Activity (20 mins):

  • Students read paragraph about leaves along with teacher

    • Give students a few minutes to do the fill-in-the-blank part of the booklet

    • ask after: what would happen if we cut off ALL the leaves of a plant? Do you think it would survive? Why or why not?

  • If outside: Harvest cabbage leaves (1 or 2 per student). Let students try a taste test of just “raw” cabbage leaves first, them cook them with salt, pepper, & olive oil. Add pre-made rice.

  • Students try sauteed cabbage & rice

  • In workbook: what other Vegetables that are LEAVES do we eat or use?

    • Students can cut out examples from their coloring pages & color them (maybe go through the items as a class first, circling the items we need to cut out for the “leaves” section)

    • encourage them to think of other leaves we eat- draw them in the workbook!

Garden LessonsTeresa Woodard